Ok, so every week to calm myself from exam study anxiety, I go and watch a movie. This weeks movie was 'Get Him To The Greek'. It was seriously, probably the funniest movie I've watched since last years hit 'The Hangover'. Jonah Hill (who is now ridiculously fat and piggy) and Russell Brand (who is disturbingly sexy with his stuble, greasy hair and rock star persona) out together such a good movie. Jonah Hill was adorable (which was a massive change to his character in Superbad) and he's all about being a good boyfriend and avoiding drama etc. Anyway, seriously go watch it.. it was the best $15.00 I've ever spent. (actually not really, preety sure I've spent $15 on an amazing pair of harem pants which completes my life haha)
Ok, so I haven't posted a blog in like 2 weeks! and it's all because of the Devil.. also known as exams. And you study for exams cause you want to do well (or in my case, avoid that massive lecture from your crazy indian parents), but not only are exams just a waste of your fucking time, but a massive fat feeder. I HAV

E PUT ON 3 KILOS IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS. 3 KILOS. not sure if it's noticable though. but still, right!!? RIGHTT!? All I do is eat. I have curry about twice a day, always have a massive meal at about 11.30 pm (i.e. some fish and chips or two sandwiches with a salad). I go through about 5 cans of coke a day, and I eat about a kilo's worth of chocolate. The picture on the left lasted me about 2 hours. It cost me $10. This is not good.. not good at all..
OK so moving on here are some of my recent discoveries. I haven't been able to make many in the past couple of weeks (refer to above paragraph) so please don't hate on my poor form :(
These are a pair of authentic pakistani 'chapals'. I had a relative send them to me from Bangladesh as my old pair have deteriorated and these things are the comfiest things you can ever put your feet in. They're absoulute leather so they mould to your feet shape, and they are mega quirky cute. My last ones were abit bland and subtle in colour, but I enjoy vibrant feel of these ones. yay!

This is the second fur vest I have ever invested in. It was $10, so I really felt the need to purchase this bad boy. Its a little big, but I think I like it that way? I'm not to sure. BUT! it is super soft and sometimes, I hold onto it in bed and rub the fur while I fall asleep... ok maybe you didn't need to know that..
Ok I'm going to go watch Scrubs now.
Ciao Cuties x