I just spent about 90 minutes writing up my first blog and uploaded a gazillion photos.. then just as I submit it, this stupid screen comes up telling me I'm not registered. This evokes a great sense of frustration! I debated over scrapping the whole blog thing for about 20 minutes and then jumped back online 'cause I do this thing, where when I fail at something the first time, I don't think to try again. I know, it's really pathetic of me, but look now!.. I'm giving this blog a second chance!
I'm 18 (I look like I'm 15 though)
I 'm a lazy arts student
I like blackjack and pizza shapes and the soda-coke they sell at McDonalds
I'm extremely stingy and am always searching for bargains (only as of recently- poor uni student)
My bedroom in a junkyard
I'm running out of perfume
I HATE Melbourne weather
I'm not sure what my blog is exactly going to be about.. so please bare with me here. I DO want to however share with you all- new fashion/styles.. things I enjoy/dislike.. things I find weird/cool and maybe share a few secrets :)
So in the photo of me above, I'm in a sneaky little alleyway/sidestreet just off Flinders. I like sneaky things. I like sneaky places and sneaky people.
I'm wearing my FAVOURITEST jumper everrrr. I purchased it from a Savers mega store in Brunswick. It cost me $6. I like cheap things and am always hunting for bargains.
Hopefully, if I dont spend all of tomorow being a slave for my mum and cleaning the house for her stupid curry party, I'll commence with my second blog ever!!
Ciao Cuties x
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