Friday, June 25, 2010
OK so I don't have much time on my hands (i have two consecutive exams which begin in two days!), so this entry is going to be only photo's. Enjoy x

Sunday, June 20, 2010
35 months

Ok, so I haven't posted a blog in like 2 weeks! and it's all because of the Devil.. also known as exams. And you study for exams cause you want to do well (or in my case, avoid that massive lecture from your crazy indian parents), but not only are exams just a waste of your fucking time, but a massive fat feeder. I HAV
E PUT ON 3 KILOS IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS. 3 KILOS. not sure if it's noticable though. but still, right!!? RIGHTT!? All I do is eat. I have curry about twice a day, always have a massive meal at about 11.30 pm (i.e. some fish and chips or two sandwiches with a salad). I go through about 5 cans of coke a day, and I eat about a kilo's worth of chocolate. The picture on the left lasted me about 2 hours. It cost me $10. This is not good.. not good at all..
OK so moving on here are some of my recent discoveries. I haven't been able to make many in the past couple of weeks (refer to above paragraph) so please don't hate on my poor form :(

These are a pair of authentic pakistani 'chapals'. I had a relative send them to me from Bangladesh as my old pair have deteriorated and these things are the comfiest things you can ever put your feet in. They're absoulute leather so they mould to your feet shape, and they are mega quirky cute. My last ones were abit bland and subtle in colour, but I enjoy vibrant feel of these ones. yay!
This is the second fur vest I have ever invested in. It was $10, so I really felt the need to purchase this bad boy. Its a little big, but I think I like it that way? I'm not to sure. BUT! it is super soft and sometimes, I hold onto it in bed and rub the fur while I fall asleep... ok maybe you didn't need to know that..
Ok I'm going to go watch Scrubs now.
Ciao Cuties x
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Absolutely cannot bring myself to look at another book, read another line, or write another word! I hate you exams and I hope you die a very painful death.. very.. very painful death.. grr.
So if I know I'm not going to be able to bring myself to anymore studying, I might as well be productive in another way, right? right! I'm a massive amateur so don't laugh...

Sooo, my cousin is being stalked by some freak. And the thing is, the freak is a family friend. She's let this freak know that she is not interested, he's also about 20 years older than her, and his probably been at this little chase game for about a year now.. Last night, he sends her a message saying that he can't live with out her and he dreams of 'holding you tight in my arms' (massive spew right there). So after I finish writing this blog, I'm going to call this freak up, and put him in his place. And I'm a bit nervous, because he's like 40 years old something, but he's a freak, so I can get away with being a bitch right? right!
Alssooooooooo, it's fucking cold!
also also also, song of the day- Hey Soul Sister by Train
So if I know I'm not going to be able to bring myself to anymore studying, I might as well be productive in another way, right? right! I'm a massive amateur so don't laugh...
Sooo, my cousin is being stalked by some freak. And the thing is, the freak is a family friend. She's let this freak know that she is not interested, he's also about 20 years older than her, and his probably been at this little chase game for about a year now.. Last night, he sends her a message saying that he can't live with out her and he dreams of 'holding you tight in my arms' (massive spew right there). So after I finish writing this blog, I'm going to call this freak up, and put him in his place. And I'm a bit nervous, because he's like 40 years old something, but he's a freak, so I can get away with being a bitch right? right!
Alssooooooooo, it's fucking cold!
also also also, song of the day- Hey Soul Sister by Train
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Never gets old!
Alan: Its not illegal, its frowned upon...like masturbating in an airplane.
Stu: Im pretty sure thats illegal too.
Alan: Yeah after 911 everyone got all sensitive..........thanks alot Bin Laden.
Alan: I'm free next week.... oh you what... next weeks no good for me... the Jonas Brothers are in town...
Alan: hello. how bout that ride in. i guess thats why they call it sin city hahaha. you guys might not know this but i consider myself a bit of a loner, i tend to think of myself as a one man wolfpack but when my sister brought doug home i knew he was one of my own and my wolfpack it grew by one so there were two... there tw...o of us in the pack i was alone first in the pack and then doug joined in later and six months ago when doug introduced me to you guys i thought wait a second could it be and now i know for sure i just added two more guys to my wolfpack. Four of us wolves running around the desert together in Las Vegas looking for strippers and cocaine
Melissa: I just wish your friends were as mature as you.
Stu: They are mature, actually. You just have to get to know them better.
Phil: [yelling from outside] Paging Doctor Faggot. Doctor Faggot!
Stu: I should go.
Melissa: That's a good idea, Doctor Faggot.
Alan - Tigers love pepper . . . they hate cinnamon.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Prince of Persia

The effects were super shit and a lot of it was obvious animation. And the one thing that annoyed me (which normal people wouldn't have picked up on/ cared about really) is that they should have all been speaking arabic!! not english! and that too a very strong British accent! Ok, i don't want to talk about this movie anymore it's making me angry.
Here's a snappy of another outfit i wore out sometime this week. Excuse the poor form of my body at the moment. (actually wait, I've always had a poor form body, woops!)
(Btw the jeans were a pressie from a very good friend so I must give them credit)
So this week I had a friend telling me about how both her parents are having affairs we different people! Both parents aren't so subtle about it, one of them even comes home with hickey's on their neck! But everything at home is still fine. They all sit down at dinner like a happy family and talk about everything and hold hands to say grace! How weird is that right!? I wonder what I would do if both my parents were having affairs? I wonder what you would do?! Do you rat them both in? Do you encourage them to get a divorce? But this friend of mine is a massive sneak, and totally invaded the privacy of both her parents. Went through call logs, checked phone bills, hacked into their emails and chat accounts etc. hahahaha!
Ciao Cuties x
Ciao Cuties x
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
This weeks findings

so this photo was from last friday night (HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY JUELZ BABY!). We had drinks at the Carlton Club and oh my effing god there was a giraffe sticking its neck/head through the freaking wall. This is the only picture i have of it (birthday girl in red) and it was realllyyyy wierd. and someone was saying that it was a real giraffe stuffed with some sort of hard filling (there's an actual name for that process but i forget what it is). anyway, check the pretty wall paper though!

Not sure if you guys watch 'The big Bang Theory' but check out this handsome cutie pie! it's RAJ (rajesh ramayan koothrappali), His real name is Kunal Nayyar and he is an absolute babe. This picture of him freaking fabulous. Had to share it with you all

Rhi-rhi in Israel doing some charity work! Not sure if she's wearing the most appropriate clothes when in Israel, but fuck, she looks good. highlights = amazinggggg!

This is my gorgeous fashionista bestie, Sammi. Had to get a shot of outfit. This s what she wore when we met up for a study date. Lace footless tights: France. teamed with Dock Martins (Camberwell market $50). Bit of a cutie, no?
anyway, this week has been shit! exam study (trying to grow a bear to attain more wisdom). But no seriously, men look SO much better with a beard/a good amount of stubble. furthermore, people this week have been extra annoying, maybe its coz everyday of this week its been 17 degrees and shitty weather means shitty people?
Also, look out for me at Baskin and Robins! (no i will not say which one, apart from the clue that it is definitely in Melbourne). And if you notice me, and mention Jumpfash, I'll hook you up with a triple scoop cone of your choice! and everybody knows ice cream is the best in winter. BTW IT IS OFFICIALLY WINTER!
Ciao Cuties x
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