So if I know I'm not going to be able to bring myself to anymore studying, I might as well be productive in another way, right? right! I'm a massive amateur so don't laugh...
Sooo, my cousin is being stalked by some freak. And the thing is, the freak is a family friend. She's let this freak know that she is not interested, he's also about 20 years older than her, and his probably been at this little chase game for about a year now.. Last night, he sends her a message saying that he can't live with out her and he dreams of 'holding you tight in my arms' (massive spew right there). So after I finish writing this blog, I'm going to call this freak up, and put him in his place. And I'm a bit nervous, because he's like 40 years old something, but he's a freak, so I can get away with being a bitch right? right!
Alssooooooooo, it's fucking cold!
also also also, song of the day- Hey Soul Sister by Train
Love that sketch!!